

Hace unos días se me vino de la nada un pensamiento a la cabeza. Y lo posteé como status de mi facebook para recordármelo por el resto del día (y de los días que siguiera leyéndolo).

"Life's too short to think twice bout something, so go for it. If it doesnt work, at least u know u tried."

Me preguntaron "so what are you trying?". Ser humana.

Vivimos en días de vida agitada, de trabajo y estrés, de dormir menos de 6 horas, de siempre decir "no tengo tiempo" ... La gente ya no se detiene a ver la naturaleza, solo le baja la velocidad a su auto si es que hay un accidente cerca; ya no se detiene a oír una pieza de música, ahora solo escuchan bocinas e insultos; ya no se detiene a oler aire fresco porque ahora la mayoría vive rodeada de smog y contaminación; ya no se detiene a saborear un buen plato de comida sino se atraganta lo que puede camino a donde estén llegando tarde; y ya no se detienen a sentir, abrazar, transmitir cariño. La vida es muy corta para dejar pasar estas cosas por alto.

Hace un rato chismeando blogs encontré esto que quiero compartir:

You may have seen the following story about a social experiment on perception, taste and people’s priorities organized by the Washington Post . It was recently brought to my attention. I found it fascinating and instructive from both a personal and a business point of view.
Here’s the story: On a cold January morning outside a Washington, D.C., train station, a young man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, more than a thousand people went through the station, most on their way to work.
About three minutes in, a middle-aged man noticed the musician. He slowed his pace, stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried on.
Four minutes later, the violinist received his first dollar. Without stopping, a woman threw the money into his hat.
Six minutes later, a young man leaned against a nearby wall to listen to the violinist, then looked at his watch and walked away.
Ten minutes later, a little boy stopped to listen, but his mother hurried him along. The boy stopped to look at the violinist again, but his mother pulled him away. The boy continued to walk, turning his head to look at the violinist the whole time. Several children repeated this pattern. Without exception, every parent prodded his or her children to move on quickly.
By the 45-minute mark, the musician had played continuously but only a handful of people had stopped to listen. Twenty or so gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace. The man collected a total of $32.
When he finished playing, no one applauded. No one noticed.
Of course no one knew that the performer was Joshua Bell, a virtuoso violinist. He had played some of the most intricate pieces of music ever written on a violin worth $3.5 million. Two days earlier, he had sold out a theater where the ticket prices averaged $100.
The questions raised by the Washington Post writers were: In a common environment at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to recognize it? Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?
Part of our job is to recognize talent and ideas wherever they come from, inside our agency or outside it. So we have to have our “receptors” up at all times to the beauty of the ideas that surround us. I’m reminded of the advice we get from our long running New York Lottery campaign: “Hey, you never know.”
It’s true. You never know

- Bob Scarpelli

Hay muchas cosas que nos perdemos solo por no prestar atención. Porque creemos que no merecen nuestra atención. Detengámonos un minuto y apreciemos esas cosas tan maravillosas que todavía están ahí (aprovechemos que todavía están ahí y que nosotros seguimos aquí).

Buen Fin de Semana !!
No se olviden de apagar sus luces y desconectar sus enchufes :)